Dec. 29

Filed Under (), (), (), () on Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Today, in honor of my 7th wedding anniversary, you get two photos! Today, Brian and I were married 7 years ago in Westville Grove, NJ. It was a lovely day. The temperature was perfect, the friends and family were all there, and it was just an all around great day! Today, we spent the day at Harrah's Casino in the pool area. It was heavenly. We hung at the pool, had a couple drinks, took a dip in the pool and just relaxed. Ahhh...if you can't get to Jamaica, this was nice too.

The second photo is us going to dinner. We headed back to The Pier Shops, where we ate the nightbefore, and had dinner at Buddakon. It was a fancy place, but fun. A large golden Buddha was there overseeing all. We had a nice philosophical discussion on whether Buddha would really approve of the restaurant or not, and other lovely table topics.

Happy Anniversary Brian! Thanks for a wonderful 7 years and here's to loads more!!

Dec. 27

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Brian and I headed to Atlantic City, NJ today and had a great time! We had a wonderful dinner at The Contintetal, watched the Eagles beat the Cowboys at Game On and then went on the beach. You say What??? Isn't it too cold to go on the beach in December? Not if you haven't been to your beloved Atlantic Ocean/Jersey Shore in over 4 years. Brian refused to to in the water, but I didn't let that stop me! I took off my shoes and socks and headed right in! Well, ok, no more than ankle deep, but it was soo nice! You can even see my coat on. LOL!

Dec. 27

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No photo today either. Just one photo taken AT ALL and that was of Brian. Here, check it out:

Dec. 26 photo today. Too busy shopping! LOL!

Dec. 25

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Merry Christmas! There's no real good shots of me from Christmas, which is ok by me. LOL! This one I took of my Lizzie who decided my lap was a good vantage point to see presents being unwrapped. Her presents didn't get unwrapped, but have no fear, the kitties got Christmas presents - two small stuffed mice, a fluffy bell ball in a caged ball, and ping pong balls. Yup, they LOVE them! And Brian and I had a nice Christmas too. :-)

Dec. 24

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Happy Christmas Eve! Ok, I know it's a December 24th post, posted a week late, but it's the holidays and I've been away! I didn't obviously take this photo, but I did set it up on the tripod, so it counts. This is Brian and I in our annual Christmas photo. We do one each Christmas Eve before going to mass. Don't we clean up nicely? LOL!


on Tuesday, December 23, 2008

And just because I feel like it.

Dec. 23

This is me, right after the salon. Got my hair trimmed for the holiday. And took my own photo. Didn't really get my hair good, but I though I looked cute. LOL! And this is the shot you are getting today.

Has anyone noticed that the frequency of posts has really shot up since I stopped class? Amazing what a little free time will do for you.

Dec. 22

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What, pray tell, is this you're wondering? Why it's my head and Elizabeth the kitten. Missy May loves to attack my hair. Usually when it's in a ponytail, but with it cut so short lately, she hasn't been able to play. So, I shook my head at her tonight and had a blast keeping my actual head away from her adorable, sharp claws. LOL! She's a cute one alright.

Dec. 21

Filed Under () on Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ah, the joy of Christmas wrapping. LOL! Spent the day wrapping Christmas presents. I still have presents to wrap, but I got hubby's done and most of my mom's. Just need to finish her's, a couple friend's and I'm done. Yea! And it's not even Christmas Eve!

Dec. 20

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Brian and I after our friend's holiday party. Nothing real exciting to say about this photo really. We had a good time at our friend's party and always try to do the self-portrait.

Dec, 15-19

Again, no photos this week. Many papers and class to handle. So, all they would have been was me writing or reading. LOL!

Dec. 14

Filed Under (), (), () on Monday, December 15, 2008

It wouldn't be the holidays without cookies and what cookie speaks of Christmas more than any? That's right! The gingerbread man! And no, I didn't make this gingerbread man, Weiss Markets did. Thank you Weiss Markets. He and his friends were good. :) I better be careful what I say. I don't want the Gingerbread man from Shrek to come after me!

Dec. 10-13

on Sunday, December 14, 2008

No photos. This photo a day is HARD!

Dec. 9

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Don't let this photo fool you, I'm not making coffee! Yes, this is the exact same area of the kitchen, but see that container? That's cat food. I'm pouring my cute little Elizabeth kitty her dinner. She only gets dry food. The other two furballs get dry and canned.

Dec. 8

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Another school photo! In the month of December I have three papers. This is me researching for paper one. Why do profs give you so much work at the end of the semester?? Seriously? There's 4 months of classes. Does all the work have to be due in December? I know there's usually a final or paper, but come on! One class has two papers due within 2 weeks of each other. Insane! Christmas break is needed!

Dec. 6

Filed Under () on Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ok, this will probably be out of order, but I forgot I did take a photo yesterday. LOL! This is me...helping get the snow off the car. Yup, snow. We went to the PA Christmas Gift Show in Harrisburg and came out to snow. Who knew? We sure didn't! So, this is my, with my hood up helping hubby get the snow off the car. As they say, many hands make light work...or some such.

Dec. 7

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It's that time of year! At the office, we are doing a secret santa, but instead of the gifts going to the person we picked, we buy a toy that corresponds to their likes and it gets donated to Toys for Tots. So, here is me wrapping my gift for tomorrow. My secret santa likes football, so I got a flag football kit. It's pretty neat and a kid who likes football should have fun with it. I bought an extra gift, a football, to go with it because it seems unfair to give a flag football kit without a football.

Dec. 1-Dec. 5

No photos. I spent the week reading and writing for class. Pretty pathetic and you've seen enough photos of me reading to be bored by them. LOL!

Nov. 30

Well, this is my new hairstyle, non-straightened. It's ok. I like that it sometimes flips up at the ends, but it doesn't always do that. Eh. I'm not good at doing my hair, so we shall see how this works out. I'm going back right before Christmas for a trim. I think I'm going to let it grow out a few inches. It's just a tad too short. It doesn't even keep my neck warm anymore. :-(

Nov. 29

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Well, we usually decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving, so Sat. we pulled the trees up from the basement and started decorating. We have two trees, one in the living room and one in the dining room. This is me decorating the one in the living room. It sits in our front window. I love that it has the '80s bulbs that I had as a kid. We got them at Target last year. :-) They make me happy.