This is a dorky picture of me, but it's the best I did yesterday. Yup, didn't get on to post this gem of a picture on the right day. LOL! Oct. 18 was Homecoming at my alma mater. Spent the afternoon eating Oktoberfest food and drinking good Lancaster Brewing Company beer. We had a nice time, though it was a tad chilly. We spent most of the afternoon speaking to one of my hubby's psych profs, then off to check out the bookstore to spend stupid amounts of money on stuff we don't need. It was fun.
The building behind me is the dorm I lived in all four years of college. I lived in that section of the building, just on the other side, for 3.5 years and then at the other end, but facing the street my last semester. I liked this dorm. It was close to where the majority of my classes were, near the cafeteria (at least when I was there, not the caf is on the other side of campus), and easy to get to when people came to visit. It was also an all girl dorm, but there were enough guys in there visiting and staying over that it really didn't seem like a girl's dorm! LOL!
oh man does this bring back memories!!! Schlosser 3-EAST RULES!
I was wondering if you'd notice. LOL! I should have taken the photo from the Dell.