Nov. 4

on Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted. Yup. As much as I hate politics, I voted. Not telling you for who, but I went to my lovely polling place and voted. The line was kinda long, but apparently the line for those whose last names start with M-Z had a separate line. And it was much shorter. LOL! It was in and out in about 15 minutes (10 minutes in the wrong line and 5 minutes to register and vote). Then we went to the local donut store and got our free donut and coffee for voting. Niiiice!

This should be an interesting night. I think it is a historic day. Hoping that the best candidate for the country wins. We need change. I didn't vote in 2000, I couldn't find my polling place (I had moved and my directions were bad) and I was at work until 8:00 p.m., so missed it altogether. In 2004, I voted and was happy that I had my opinion counted. Not saying if I was right or not by who was elected, but I was happy I was part of the process.

Tonight, a new feeling. I had read an article on-line today that stated that other countries were having election day parties, waiting to hear who was elected. That hit a nerve. I was impressed at how interested the world could be in an election that had nothing to do with their laws. As I stood in line, I realized how amazing this election process is. I thought about the line of people waiting to get inside the building to cast their vote. There weren't any mobs, there weren't any people trying to get us to change our minds, and we had the ability to vote about what we want our government to be. It was just a surreal feeling that it was so peaceful and easy. I was proud of the US for that. Proud that I have the ability to voice my opinion. I didn't wait in lines that were 1, 2, or 3 hours long, but I admire those who did. I've never really cared about politics, but today may have just changed my mind.


Total (2) Comments posted for Nov. 4

  1. Start running for stuff! You have to get elected President so I can start entertaining "Foreign Dignitaries" (who of course do not all suspiciously like the Girard Bros.) at Eagles games.

  2. Good to know you think I'm qualified for the job.