February 20, 2009

on Sunday, February 22, 2009

Warning: Gross photo

So, Friday I went for a walk. I try to walk at lunch a couple times a week for some exercise, since I have class two nights a week, so I can't do much at night those days.

So, Friday off I went. I have a nice 30 minute route laid out. I went off walking. I got about 2/3 of the way through my walk and the sidewalk attacked. I was minding my own business when the sidewalk tripped me. I went down hard on my right palm and right knee, as you can see. It was freakin' painful! And to top it all off it, the fall caused a tear in the knee of my FAVORITE pants! So ticked!!!

Knee feels better today (Sunday), but there is still some pain. Stupid knee...


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