I really need to update this blog more often when I take the photos. LOL!
It's a tad blurry, sorry. I have a hard time taking photos with my left hand. This was my tribute to Fat Tuesday. This bracelet is from New Orleans. Got it as a gift when I was there last year. It's kinda sad. A whole year since I've seen many of my friends. Love ya ladies!
My other nod to New Orleans, my fluer de lis necklace. This also came from New Orleans. I love this necklace. I found it in the cutest little shop. They had lots of adorable jewelry and writing materials. I also bought a fluer de lis in silver, so I can wear one no matter what color I wear. :-)
get updating!
Yes, you need to get back to your blog, Woman!! Jer's b-day is today (and also my mom b-day, too!), but I am working 2am final hours tonight. So, we went to Victor's last night and had a wonderful dinner. Thought about calling you to meet up but thought it was getting late (about 10). Gosh, I am sooo old, but you know what I mean.
We really need to get together soon. I'll catch you in an e-mail then because it is probably against some sort of internet etiquette to set dates through blog sites! We might end up having a few extra dates at dinner. Ha, ha...just kidding...WELL, SORT OF!
Okay, I think I have had too much coffee. BTW, I am impressed with your running time. I don't think I could do a 15 minute mile at this point!