
on Friday, January 8, 2010

Yup, I am learning.  I realized that the sun was setting and I might be able to get some shots off today for my assignment.  So, I grabbed the camera and headed outside.  Then I realized my 75-300mm lens would probably be a better option than the 15-55mm I had on the camera.  Off I went to grab the 75-300mm to try and grab some shots of the sun setting behind the trees.  And I got a bunch.  And then I realized I didn't do it right.  You see, when you use a telephoto-type lens, you need to hold the camera extra steady to avoid camera shake.  And if with the temps being fairly nippy out there - it snowed overnight here - I didn't do a good job of it. 

I did run the photo through Photoshop Elements to see if it could sharpen it up any.  It did, but not enough.  Ugh.  So, I will share my sad photo with you and try again later in the week.  We won't be around tomorrow at this time to take the shot, but we will be on Sunday!




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