February 22, 2009

on Sunday, February 22, 2009

Because one injury in a weekend is just not enough. *rolleyes* Hubby and I were making a delicious dinner of mac 'n cheese with green and orange peppers, corn and tomatoes when I slammed by poor left index finger in the vegetable crisper. My poor finger swelled up immediately and it sure as heck hurt! So this was the weekend of injury for Chris. LOL!

February 20, 2009

Warning: Gross photo

So, Friday I went for a walk. I try to walk at lunch a couple times a week for some exercise, since I have class two nights a week, so I can't do much at night those days.

So, Friday off I went. I have a nice 30 minute route laid out. I went off walking. I got about 2/3 of the way through my walk and the sidewalk attacked. I was minding my own business when the sidewalk tripped me. I went down hard on my right palm and right knee, as you can see. It was freakin' painful! And to top it all off it, the fall caused a tear in the knee of my FAVORITE pants! So ticked!!!

Knee feels better today (Sunday), but there is still some pain. Stupid knee...

February 18, 2009

So, you saw what my Mii looks like, so now you can see what I look like in person doing Wii Fit. :) I was doing the Advanced Step, which is the one I do the most often. It's 5 minutes, which is long enough to add up quickly, but not so long that I get bored. LOL!

And don't those roses look nice? My lovely hubby gave them to me for Valentine's Day. Isn't he sweet?

January 31, 2009 - The Kitties and Me

on Sunday, February 15, 2009

This really only happens in winter, all the kitties on the sofa with me. The reason? It has nothing to do with me, it has all to do with the fleece. It's a kitty magnet. I do love when the sit with me though. They are the nicest kitties and are great heat generators. LOL! It was a lazy afternoon, which was nice.

From closest to farthest - Pooka (black kitty), Higgy (tabby cat), Elizabeth (the kitty curled up on the red fleece blanket)

January 30, 2009 - Mii

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For Christmas, my wonderful hubby got me the Wii Fit. I played with my Mii and this is what I look like on the screen when I use it. I thought it was kinda funny and while it's not me, it is Mii. LOL! I wish I could change clothes though. I would NEVER wear white pants!

January 28, 2009 - A HUGE pet peeve

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I get very annoyed when there are holes in my socks, especially at my large toe. I have a ton of socks that are like this and I don't know why. I don't think I'm hard on my socks, so why does this happen? I like to blame it on the construction of the socks. One day I need to go through all my socks and darn them. And yes, I can stitch my socks. I've done so on a number of them. I just haven't gotten around to all of them. Stupid socks...

January 27, 2009 - Snow (but no snow day)

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We woke up to about 3"-4" of snow. It was so pretty. I was so hoping for the 8" they were calling for, because that would give me the day off. But, instead, we got a 2 hour delay. Bah! Brian spent the morning shoveling the cement portion of the driveway. The funny part was the gravel portion of the driveway eventually started to look like an amusement park car ride. Two very narrow lanes that the wheels had to go through. Once you were in the two channels, you didn't even have to steer the car! And that lasted about a week. Amazing what cold weather does.

I'm Back!

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Yes, yes a month and a half later I return. It's been a kinda slow month and a half and not much for picture opportunities. But I have had some. So, I'm going to upload the ones I have taken and start fresh. I will do a better job of keeping this updated, promise!