Nov. 12

Filed Under (), (), () on Thursday, November 13, 2008

OK, I didn't take this photo, but it's WAY too funny not to use. I was reading for class last night because I procrastinate and waited until the last minute to read 4 articles for class tonight, after class last night. So, about 10:30 p.m., I'm sitting on the sofa reading the articles on the laptop when Elizabeth decided she wanted to sit on my lap. Well, as you can see, I had my notebook on my lap so I could take notes on the article. Well, that didn't keep Elizabeth from doing EXACTLY what she wanted. LOL! She walked right up and curled up on my lap...on top of the notebook! Hubby decided that this deserved to be photographed, so here ya go.

Again, Lizzie is much cuter than I am, hence why she makes a good photo topic.


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